Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Symantec Altiris - Find all tables that contain a specific GUID

A very nice knowledgebase article which can help you during troubleshooting. Works for version 6 and version 7.

The following SQL script will traverse an Altiris database and find all tables in which a specified GUID appears. It reports both the table and the column. The only requirement is to change the value of the guid being searched (Under the line that reads "Enter Search Guid here")


Sunday, 17 October 2010

Creating new IIS application pools - the magic solution to SMP 7 slow console operations?

A howto can be found here


Additional Knowledgebase Information:


Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Using NS6 Custom Inventory in NS7

Custom Inventory in NS7 is significantly different than in NS6. In fact, the two methods are incompatible. NS6 custom inventory will not run in an NS7 environment as an inventory process. However, by utilizing the data class creation and software management capabilities of NS7, it is possible to continue using the NS6 custom inventory files in an NS7 environment, thus preserving the investment in NS6 custom inventory

More information and a How-To can be found here…


Setting Up and Configuring a Handheld Emulator to Use the Symantec Barcoder Application

There are many times where testing an application or configuration are useful, prior to rolling out in a production environment. Such is the case with Barcode Solution. It is necessary to test the functionality or usage, prior to allowing production based use, or to troubleshoot problems. The costs of providing an actual barcode reader can also be prohibitive, especially if the reader is only used for troubleshooting.

A complete setup description can be found here…..
