Wednesday 13 February 2008

How to configure Notification Server so that Performance monitor ( perfmon ) can monitor Altiris metrics

Article ID: 34628


How should the Notification Server be configured so that Microsoft’s Performance Monitor (perfmon) utility can monitor Altiris metrics?


To enable the Altiris metrics so that they are available in Microsoft’s Performance Monitor (perfmon) utility do the following:
     1) Open the NS Configurator tool (Start | Programs | Altiris | Tools | NsConfigurator) and select DisableCounters under Miscellaneous.  The Value should be set to ‘False’. 
     2) Restart the Altiris Service so that it will use the changed DisableCounters value.

NOTE: If the NS Configurator tool has not yet been installed on your Notification Server, it can be installed by running the following:

%Installation Path%\Altiris\Diagnostics\NSConfigurator.msi

NOTE: Some of the Altiris Performance Objects that are available for monitoring are:

          Time to edit - (Total milliseconds taken to edit a resource)

     Altiris: Client Requests
          Active Client Requests -
(Active client policy requests)
          Busy Server Response - (Total number of busy response)
          Client Requests - (Total client policy requests)
          Successful Server Response - (Total Number Of Successful Responses)

     Altiris: Codebase Cache
          Cache Expired Gets -
(Total number of get requests for expired items)
          Cache Gets - (Total number of get requests)
          Cache Hits - (Total number of hits from the codebase cache)
          Cache Invalid Gets -
(Total number of get requests for invalid items)
          Cache Misses -
(Total number of misses from the codebase cache)
          Cache Removed Expired Items -
(Total number of expired items removed from the codebase cache)
          Cache Removed Invalid Items - (Total number of invalid items removed from the codebase cache)
          Cache Removed Items - (Total number of invalid items removed from the codebase cache)
          Cache Scavenged Items -
(Total number of scavenged items removed from the codebase cache)
          Cache Total Entries - (Total number of items in the cache)

     Altiris:Event Processing
          Events processed/min -
(Number of events processed in all queues per minute)
          Total Events Processed - (Total events processed since last NS restart)

     Altiris:Event Queues
          EventQ Bad Count -
(Number of files in bad event queue)
          EventQ Bad Size (MB) -
(Size of bad queue folder)
          EventQ Count - (Size of bad queue folder)
          EventQ Size (MB) - (Size of bad queue folder)
          FastQ Bad Event Count -
(Number of files in fast-bad queue)
          FastQ Bad Event Size (MB) - (FastQ Bad Event Size (MB))
          FastQ Event Count - (Number of files in fast queue)
          FastQ Event Size (MB) - (Size of fast queue folder)
          LargeQ Bad Event Count -
(Number of files in large-bad queue)
          LargeQ Bad Event Size (MB) - (Size of large-bad queue folder)
          LargeQ Event Count - (Number of files in large queue)
          LargeQ Event Size (MB) -
(Number of files in large queue)
          SlowQ Bad Event Count -
(Number of files in slow-bad queue)
          SlowQ Bad Event Size (MB) - (Number of files in slow-bad queue)
          SlowQ Event Count - (Number of files in slow-bad queue)
          SlowQ Event Size -
(Number of files in slow-bad queue)

     Altiris: NS Messaging
          Messages processed -
(Total # of messages processed)
          Rate of dispatching messages - (The rate (message per secs) of dispatching message)
          Rate of incoming messages - (The rate (message per secs) of incoming message)

NOTE: Altiris recommends that you enable the Altiris Performance Counters during troubleshooting only and disable them after you finish your diagnosis.  There may be situations where having these counters enabled could cause performance degradation on the Notification Server and the admin console.

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