Friday 20 March 2009

During the Altiris Agent Installation window I get the following error: 'The following error occurred on the page InstallClient.aspx: Failed to Render the control'


During the Altiris Agent Installation window I get the following error:
The following error occurred on the page 'InstallClient.aspx: Failed to Render the control'
In the logs, the error looks like this one:
Priority: 1
Date: 10/4/2006 9:44:34 AM
Tick Count: 183687687
Host Name: NSServer
Process: w3wp.exe (4592)
Thread ID: 7528
Module: AltirisNativeHelper.dll
Source: global.asax
Description: Unhandled exception.  Type=Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException Msg=Failed to render the control.
   at Altiris.NS.UI.Controls.CollectionPickerCtrl.Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
   ....(obmitted section)

Inner exception.  Type=Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException Msg=Failed to get the names of the selected collections.

Inner exception.  Type=Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException Msg=Failed to fetch Collection datarow from database. No rows returned.

Looking on the Notification Server logs, you may find another error like this one close to the error above:
Priority: 1
Date: 10/4/2006 9:45:01 AM
Tick Count: 183715343
Host Name: NSServer
Process: aexsvc.exe (1740)
Thread ID: 6720
Module: AltirisNativeHelper.dll
Description: Error occurred during delta collection updating: Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException: Failed to fetch Collection datarow from database. No rows returned.


For this error, The following error occurred on the page 'InstallClient.aspx', please try the following article:
Article ID: 18945 "Object reference not set to an instance of an object—Altiris Agent Installation Page"

If you still get the same error please try the following:
--Use the following query to find out if any defined collections are missing from Collection table:

select guid, name
from item
where classguid in
    select distinct classguid
    from item
    where guid in
    (select guid from collection)
    ) and
      guid not in
       (select guid from collection)

--Use the following SQL query to move missing collections into a temporary table to be used for an insert into the Collection table.  This should resolve the collection inconsistencies causing the errors:

SELECT Guid, '34BE747F-C855-4F8F-93E7-50176076A200' as LegacySolutionGroupGuid, createddate, modifieddate into #t
FROM Item WHERE Guid in
    (select guid
    from item
    where classguid in
        select distinct classguid
        from item
        where guid in
        (select guid from collection)
        ) and
          guid not in
           (select guid from collection)
begin tran
insert into collection (Guid, LegacySolutionGroupGuid, CreatedDate, ModifiedDate)
  select Guid, LegacySolutionGroupGuid, CreatedDate, ModifiedDate from #t
commit tran
drop table #t

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