Monday, 26 January 2009

Windows Boot Manager error after laying down a 2008 r2 or Windows 7 image

Article ID: 45191


Windows Boot Manager gives the error "winload.exe 0xc000000f " after placing down a 2008 r2 or Windows 7 image.


By creating a run script task that runs before capturing the image while in windows, this error should be resolved.

Place the following script into that run script task.

REM Execute BCDEdit and prepare for imaging.
REM Find the system root and append system32 and BCDedit
%SYSTEMROOT%/system32/Bcdedit.exe -set {bootmgr} device BOOT
%SYSTEMROOT%/system32/Bcdedit.exe -set {default} device BOOT
%SYSTEMROOT%/system32/Bcdedit.exe -set {default} osdevice BOOT
shutdown /r

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